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Firefighter Training

Cloud-based Tools for Today's Fire Professional

Firefighter sitting in fire truck looking at something out the front window.

Are you responsible for all-hazard training for your department?

We've got you covered.

Better Platform. Better Content. Better Service.

Products & Features

The APS FIRE Training System includes the following:

Online Training Courses

Firefighter, inspector, and officer development courses

  • Firefighter series
  • Inspector series
  • Officer development series
  • Assign online training as prep for manipulative sessions
  • Schedule manipulative training sessions for the entire department
  • Track completions for notation in Red Cards

ISO Tracker

Training hours are tracked by ISO category

  • Hours are tracked by ISO training category
  • Compare progress-to-date with ISO standards
  • Quickly and easily record training
  • Set expirations for assignments and recurring training
  • Easy visibility of training hours for members and their supervisors

Drill Records Tool

Log drills quickly and easily from a tablet or handheld device

Online Learning Management System (LMS)

Seamless access with simple, intuitive user interface

Firefighter walking with fire hose.

Manage Training.
Monitor Completions.
Ensure Compliance.

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something better?